【初上】第十四週課程:單腳垂翹固腎功 Print
Written by Riker Kao   
Monday, 10 April 2023 08:22


[Topic 1:] Instructor Lien shares your Joys and Reminders

Dear brothers and sisters how are you? This is lesson Week 14. It is also the end of the new lessons. I share your joy. You should be proud in achieving training throughout the last 3 months. We are proud of your concentration, sincerity and efforts in your individual training in Waitankung. This is a memorable chapter in your life. Your spirit and experience ensures your future success in life. You are great and lovable. Once again, applaud yourself.

[標題一:] 廉教練分享您的喜悅與提示

親愛的同道,您好!本課程進入第十四週,也是到了最後的新課程,真為您高興!您是值得驕傲的,竟能堅持長達三個多月, 一個人單獨研習外丹功,不得不佩服您的專誠及努力,該也可作為您人生紀念的一個章回,這種精神及經驗,注定您未來走向人生的成功坦途,您真的好棒!好可愛喔!再次為您自己喝采吧!

The following stage is like ploughing the land. The ‘100 Days Kung’ is the foundation for research and cultivation. To Waitankung practitioners, this is the mandatory cultivation process in order to preserve your worthy body. Realize your great ambition. You have to undergo the cultivation process to strengthen your will-power. Make use of the in-borne magnetic field to enhance your mental faculties and analytical acumen. Cultivate your thinking to be sharp and refined to study the new specialty and knowledge. Through Waitankung cultivation the Xian Tian Qi will activate huge bio-magnetic field – enabling your heart to be determined and your character to be very tolerant – increasing those benefits which you have not been able to attain before. It is also blessed upon you the capability to discover the treasures of life.


Points to Remember

1. Tankung Evidence: Supplementary Exercises, Han Dao Yin, Waitankung lessons. The lessons and all the movements and techniques constitute a specialized system of exercise. Of all the Waitankung techniques - if you can thoroughly understand and master one aspect – then you can also understand and master all other aspects of the mysteries. The Third President of the Headquarters of the Chinese WaiNeitankung Exercise Association – Bro Huang Ming Kung, holding an important government post was busy and taxing in his official duties. Under the guidance of the Grandmaster Chang Chih Tung he practiced and eventually executed a simple but effective technique of pressing the palms and tilting the fingers that could regulate the circulation of qi along the meridians and organs of the whole body. This is very enviable. In spite of his very busy daily routine, he could still practice this technique as part of his lifestyle and achieving very astonishing accomplishments.


1.丹功驗證:附功,漢導引,外丹功的課程,整套的功法及活動,不離不棄,專一而行,外丹功功法,只要一項『一門深入』,悟透其中,即有所謂,『一竅通百竅通』之奧妙。中華外內丹功運動協會總會第三任理事長黃敏恭先生,歷任政府要職,政務繁重,在  張大師的指導下,最後奉行簡單可行的「掌按指翹」功法,竟能悟透全身經脈與臟腑的運行及調節,真正令人羨慕呢!這就是百忙之中,將功法生活化的驚人成就。

2. This week’s lesson. Please practice Han Dao Yin Exercises 1-7 to soften bones and tendons to improve the circulation

of blood and qi. Then, practice Yu Bei Shi, Tu Na Kung, Hand-Thrusting in Half Squatting Position (Dun Shen Shuai Shou Bai Shou Kung), Arm-fluttering with up-lifted toes (Yi Bi Zu Qiao Yi Miao Kung), Fist Circling at Ear-side (Die Zhi Wei Quan Shen Mi Kung, Palms Facing Skyward and Groundward (Xian Ren Tuo Tian An Di Kung) and Crossed Arms Trembling (Shuang Shou He Shi An Shen Kung), Facing-upward Palms Moving Up and Down Before Chest (Pen Zhu Ru Jian An Po Kung) and Waist Turning Sideway With Ringed Arms (Yu Hui Zhuan Dai Da Miao Kung), and Whole Body Trembling on Firmly-based Feet (Zhu Yang Xin Shen Ding Li Kung). Now welcome the new lesson Single Lower Limb Trembling (Dan Jiao Chui Qiao Gu Shen Kung). Then continue with Da Xian He Bu and Xiao Xian Bu and all the Supplementary Exercises. Congratulations to you! Now you can join the worldwide Waitankung and practice together in all the Waitankung centers. You are part of the worldwide Waitankung family to resonate the sounds and qi together. It is like the Mang Hwa (wild grass) spreading throughout the world.


3. Introduction to our Center. Do you know why this Center promotes free Waitankung training? How did this Center originated? The initial stage, planning the contents and expenses? Apart from those items published in the Center bulletin, welcome to this Waitankung Website Discussion Section and search for the articles on the Introduction to the Originators. Search for the Origin.  Understand the Tankung aspirations, your visit will not be in vain. Your participation has somehow initially fulfilled my honorable duty of executing the Grandmaster’s vision of promoting Waitankung globally and benefiting the whole world. However, our Grandmaster’s dying wish was to have Waitankung receiving academic studies or research one day. This is only the starting point. The journey is very long and far. I hope everybody will strongly support and help to fulfill this honorable mission to accomplish this vision.

3.本中心的介紹:您知道本中心為何會推出免費研習外丹功?這個中心的由來?前段開發期有關的規劃內容及經費開支?除了本中心公告事項外,歡迎到「中華外內丹功網站」討論區,蒐尋介紹草創發起的文章,「探求根源」,了解丹功志業,「不虛此行」。您的參與,初步完成了教練尊行  大師志業『普傳丹功,澤惠世人』的心願,但   大師期待外丹功有朝一日走入『學術殿堂」的遺願,還只是起點,路途迢迢,還望大家能『鼎力相助』『玉成美事』,『以竟事功』。

4. To attain the benefits of advanced training, make frequent references and also make use of the WaiNeitankung website – search for the main topics by keying in the key words and refer to the contents of Discussion, for example the multipurpose of both hands, nerve ending exercises, Waitankung and Waitan physical exercises (Waitan-chao). Treat this as an extra curriculum.


5. If you have any suggestions, please reflect them in this Discussion area. It will be your contribution to this Center. The Instructor and his Associates will be happy and grateful to receive them.



[Topic 2:] Single Lower Limb Trembling (Dan Jiao Chui Qiao Gu Shen Kung)

Explanations: Regulates the mobility of the hip joints and tendons. It also strengthens the functionality of the kidneys. The middle-aged and the elderly practicing this Movement will be helpful to their legs, kidneys and the health of the urinary bladder.

[標題二:] 外丹功第十一式「單腳垂翹固腎功」


Training begins:

1. Preparation: Stand at Yu Bei Shi Stance. Don't move. Relax the body and stand upright. Left and right legs stand naturally. The preparatory movement is like Yu Bei Shi. Curl the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers – touching the center of both palms. Both wrists and hands are flat/straight. The thumbs point towards the ground, the little fingers stick out. Maintain body balance.



2.  Left side begins. Lift the sole of the left foot. Use the kua (hip joint) to stretch out and place it left forward above the ground. Tilt the tip of the sole up and down. Tilting the tip up and down is counted as one time. Tilt consecutively 9 times. Relax and open the left kua. The left knee is in line with the left leg. Now, start tilting 1 – 9. Pull the left leg to the back and open the kua. Toes pointing to the ground. Wait for Xian Tian Qi to vibrate slightly from the toes. Slightly loosen the heel, ankle, sole, toes, knee, hip joint, shoulders, both elbows and wrists – all must be relaxed. Time is 30 sec.


3.  Change to the right side – as previously. Stop. Drop the left foot onto the ground. Change to the right stance. Shift the center of gravity to the left. Lift the right foot. Tilt the foot 1- 9. Then pull the right leg backward. Open the right hip joint (kua), toes pointing to the ground. When Xian Tian Qi is activated, quickly shake. The toes, heel, sole, shoulder and kua are inline. Xian Tian Qi from the sole flows to the thigh, to the kua and to the left shoulder.


4. Maintain balance of the body.
a) Both thumbs point to the ground, little fingers sticking out. Maintain body balance.
b) Tuck in the chin. The back of the head is held up. The left sole is attached to the ground. Maintain sense of balance from head to feet; stand firmly. Stop. Slowly drop the right leg to the ground. Maintain body upright. Lower both hands; the 5 fingers are stretched open. Stand at Yu Bei Shi Stance.


5. Regulate your body, heart and spirit back to normal. When you finish this Movement, practice Yu Bei Shi for 10-30 sec. During training, if your body is slanted (not upright) your heart and spirit will not be calm. You should practice Yu Bei Shi for a while to normalize the heart and spirit.


Essential Points: Dan Jiao Chui Qiao – strengthens the kidneys and the urinary bladder; the small intestines are cleansed and peristalsis movements are smooth.
