首頁 初階課程 Elementary Course 初階研習上 Grade 1 【初上】第九週課程:保健二則、附功(二)眼睛、耳朵按摩
外丹功 (WaiTanKung). 歡迎光臨外內丹功研修中心 ! 本中心提供外丹功視訊課程, 免費加入會員..... Welcome to WaiNeiTanKung Research Center !!! Free to learn WaiTanKung now
【初上】第九週課程:保健二則、附功(二)眼睛、耳朵按摩 Print E-mail
Written by Riker Kao   
Saturday, 01 April 2023 08:45


[Topic 1:] Greetings from Instructor Lien

Dear members, I am happy you have reached the 9th week in this course. If you are actually following the lessons, you are not wasting your time. If you have grasped the wonders and marvellous effects of Xian Tian Qi and are very skilful in your techniques – from today onwards you can consider yourself a "Person of Tankung". So, for this week's lesson you must relax and you must really understand your own progress when you practice diligently the Supplementary movements Part 1 that you have learned in Week 6. This week you will learn the Supplementary movements Part 2. This will complete the whole module of the Supplementary Movements.


In order to obtain full benefits from these exercises – you must not forget the following important points.


1. After practising the Waitankung exercises, you should include the Supplementary movements as part of your training routine. You should practise daily – once in the morning and once in the evening. This should help in nurturing wellness and good looks. After waking up you should wash your face with cold water. Then massage the ears and rub the neck - this helps in revitalizing your good looks and beauty.

1. 附功,在外丹功活動之後,請加入操練項目之一,平時早晚行之,有助於養顏美容的保健,起床後,以冷水敷臉,按摩耳朵,搓脖子,有助儀容的保健。

2. Remember, the Han Dao Yin routine can "soften joints, tendons and bones". "Induce qi to harmonize with your body. Manipulate body movements so that they become supple". The various Heng-Ha techniques in the Han Dao Yin routine improve breathing and expand the chest and abdominal breathing capacities. This is the most important aspect in the nurturing of health.


3. For this week's lesson, practise Han Dao Yin exercises No. 1 to 7 to make the bones and tendons to become supple and also to regulate the qi and blood. Then practise Yu Bei Shi, Tu Na Kung, Dun Shen Shuai Shou Bai Shou Kung, Yi Bi Zu Qiao Yi Miao Kung, Die Zhi Wei Quan Shen Mi Kung, Da Xian He Bu, Xiao Xian Bu and all the earlier Supplementary movements and then include this week's Supplementary movements. The path of  health cultivation is a long process whereby you know your own capabilities. Those young trainees, if you develop this diligent character – you have grasped the success of your mission.


4. If you have any queries in the process of your training – please refer to the Discussion Forum of this Waitankung website www.tankung.com  In the Discussion Forum, key in your key words to make reference or to post your queries to the Discussion Forum on this lesson. The Instructor will reply as soon as possible.

4. 練功過程的疑問,仍請多參考,及利用「中華外內丹功網站」『討論區』的「回主題』頁面的「搜尋列」鍵入【關鍵字】參考其討論內容,或將問題投入本課程討論區,教練儘可能回覆。

5. Why do you want to cultivate Waitankung? When you have extra energy in your daily life, you must try to influence others. Your hearts still remember the World Grandmaster of Waitankung Chang Chih Tung. So, you must respect his dying wish and fulfill it. After a long period - your hearts will have the passion for Waitankung. “Tan Qi is great. You can achieve your ambition to become a pious and upright person. Always do good deeds”.

5. 修練丹功何為?行有餘力,推己及人,外丹功傳自世界丹功宗師   張志通大師,心饗往之,尊遺願而行,歷久心即有感,「丹氣浩然,立志仁正,善善常行」。

[Topic 2:] Health Care - Lifting the Knees

A. Lifting the Knees Movement: Keep the body upright, stand at inner shoulder width. Use "yi" (mental will) to lift the knee to abdomen level. Keep heel backward and parallel with the spine. Then drop it down slowly. Half way down use the heel to lead the foot down. The right and left knees should be in line with the chest. The soles of the feet should be parallel to the ground. Lifting each of the left and right foot is counted as one time. Do this movement for 36 times in about one to one and a half minutes (every morning and evening). This movement regulates the spine and if there is any crooked part – this will regulate its alignment and the vertebrae will become more  supple and will activate the qi there.

[標題二:] 保健二則─提膝活動

一、提膝活動:身體直立,兩足站內肩寬,以心意提膝平腹臍高度,足掌平起平落,足跟向後移至尾閭下方與脊柱垂直線後,再緩緩落地,此時緩緩以足跟引下,足掌起落時,左右膝蓋各與 左右胸線對準,足底皆與地面水平。左右各一算一次,計作三十六次,時間約一分鐘至一分半鐘,早晚各一次。本式調整脊柱彎曲,舒活脊柱骨節筋脈兼行氣。

[Topic 3:] Health Care - Flicking the ankles sideways

B. Flicking the ankles sideways: Both feet stand at inner shoulder width. Both hands rest naturally at the sides of the thighs.
    1. Raise right knee cap forward. Flick the sole to the right side - maintaining it level with the ground. Simultaneously, turn the head sideway to the right, eyes looking over the shoulders at the right ankle. Drop right foot down and eyes look to the front.
    2. Raise left knee cap forward. Flick the sole to the left side - maintaining it level with the ground. Simultaneously, turn the head sideway to the left side, eyes looking over the shoulders at the left ankle. Drop left foot down and eyes look to the front. Repeat movements right and left. At the same time turn the head to look at the ankles. Do this 36 times, and end with both feet standing at parallel position.
    3. This movement is to train the eyeball mobility and to make the side tendons supple and eases pain at the waist. (If you feel any pain in the internal organs, you should seek medical help).

[標題三:]  保健二則─翻足踝活動

[Topic 4:] Supplementary Movements Part 2: Eyes and Ears Massage

6. Facial massage and nourishment of the eyes: Rest thumbs against the jaws, middle fingers massage the inner eyebrows (Zan Zhu Acupoint).  Press and circle 9 times. Then massage the outer eyebrows (Su Zhu Kong Acupoint) 9 times. Then, massage the inner eye corners (Jing Ming Acupoint). Press 9 times. Next, massage the outer eye corners (Tong Zi Jiao Acupoint). Press and circle 9 times. Use the middle finger tips to press and make 9 circles around the eye sockets, starting at the bottom inner eye corners. Do not touch the eye balls. After this, press the sides of the nose with the middle finger tips.  Press rapidly on both sides of the nose bridge from the eye brows down to the wings of the nose. Next, press against the nasal cavity 3 times. Then press upwards to the eye brows again. Repeat movements up and down 9 times. Use the heat of the middle finger tips to penetrate the bridge of the nose. This can prevent sinusitis. Use middle finger tips to massage the He Jiao Acupoint (2 acupoints beside the philtrum, in front of nostril) 9 times. Then, press on the two corners of the mouth and make large circles. Do this 9 times. Next overlap the two middle fingertips and massage the Cheng Jiang Acupoint at the mid-point below the lower lip. Then, with two thumbs supporting the jaws, press the middle finger tips from the corners of the jaws up to the joints of the jaws (Ting Kung Acupoint). Press and circle 9 times. Then use the index and middle fingers to massage the temples (Tai Yang Acupoint). Press and circle 9 times.

[標題四:] 附功(二)眼睛及耳朵按摩
六、按摩臉部,眼睛保養:大拇指托住下顎,兩手中指揉眉端(攢竹穴)九圈;眉尾(絲竹空)九圈;用中指尖輕輕壓擠內眼角(睛明穴)九次;外眼角(童子膠)用中指輕輕揉九圈;中指再回 到內眼角,推外眼眶九圈,由下而外,再由外上而內,指端輕繞眼眶周圍,在眉毛下方,不要碰到眼球。接下來,擠鼻柱,以雙手中指指端輕快的擠壓鼻柱兩側,從 眉頭到鼻頭兩翼,輕輕點三下,再往上擠壓到眉頭,如此上下往復來回九次。以中指熱氣透進鼻柱,預防鼻竇炎等毛病。以中指揉禾膠穴(鼻孔前),揉外口角大圈九次,中指交疊揉承漿九次。可舒解眼睛壓力,眼睛清明舒爽。兩大拇指,托住下顎,兩中指由嘴外角點至聽宮,在聽宮揉九圈,兩中指與食指揉太陽穴九圈。

7. Warm the eye balls: Place both hands level in front of the chest. Fold the thumbs and rub them against each other. This is to gather and heat up the Qi. Close both eyes. Using both the left and right folded thumbs, lightly massage the eyelids from left to right for 18 times.


8. Massage the ears: Raise and spread out hands at shoulder level. Use the thumbs and index fingers to hold the ear lobes. With thumbs at the rear and index fingers in front, pull outward and downward 9 times. Next, use the middle fingers to strike lightly at the top helixes 9 times. Use the thumb and fingers to squeeze the ears from ear lobes to top helixes and then change the hand position to squeeze from top helixes to ear lobes for 9 times.  Then, lower both arms. Next, raise the left hand, using the soft pad of fingertips of index, middle and ring fingers to tap at the Bai Hui Acupoint 9 times. Lower the arms to the side.

八、按摩耳輪:兩 胳膊與肩同高,兩肘外支,以大姆指與食指拉耳垂,大指在後,食指在前,耳垂往外下拉九次,兩手中指彈上耳輪九次,左、右手大二三指,掐壓耳輪由外而內,由 上而下,翻手由下而上,來回按摩九次,兩手自然放下,抬高左手,以食指中間與無名指三個指肚,輕觸百會,九次,功畢兩手放下。

10. Fluttering hands and Lifting feet Movement: Stand upright, elbows at the sides. Raise both hands to chest level, both palms facing each other. Flutter the wrists (palms facing each other) and simultaneously lift the feet up and down. Fluttering the hands help to dissipate heat. You can turn the body to the left and right. Do this movement for 30 seconds and stop. Then, finish, bow and thank the Instructor.
