首頁 初階課程 Elementary Course 初階研習上 Grade 1 【初上】第八週課程:『翼臂足翹一妙功』與『疊指為拳神秘功』
外丹功 (WaiTanKung). 歡迎光臨外內丹功研修中心 ! 本中心提供外丹功視訊課程, 免費加入會員..... Welcome to WaiNeiTanKung Research Center !!! Free to learn WaiTanKung now
【初上】第八週課程:『翼臂足翹一妙功』與『疊指為拳神秘功』 Print E-mail
Written by Riker Kao   
Friday, 31 March 2023 09:21


[Topic 1:] Greetings from Instructor Lien

Dear members, how are you? I am very happy that we are into the 8th Week. We have reached the half way mark of this Tutorial Course. It looks like this is our fate. This week's lessons stress on the training techniques of the shoulders and above. The degree of difficulty is high, but if you can practice them diligently and meticulously for not more than 30 sec. daily and supplement it with Yu Bei Shi, your movements will become very smooth. After one month, there will be no more ache.

For your training benefit, please practice the following aspects.


1. Include practicing the Supplementary Exercises after the Waitankung routine as part of your daily exercise. It helps in nurturing good looks and beauty.


2. Remember, the Han Dao Yin routine can "soften joints, tendons and bones". "Induce qi to harmonize with your body. Manipulate body movements so that they become supple". Body Slanting (Yin Feng Zou Bing) can dispel ill wind and it also improves the voice for singers. The "Heng Ha" techniques have their respective fine and unique qualities.


3. For this week - practice Han Dao Yin No. 1-7 movements to "soften" tendons and bones to promote the circulation of qi and blood. Then, practice Yu Bei Shi, Tu Na Kung and Hand-Thrusting in Half Squatting Position (Dun Shen Shuai Shou Bai Shou Kung). Then include this week’s lessons, practice Arm-fluttering with up-lifted toes (Yi Bi Zu Qiao Yi Miao Kung) and Fist Circling at Ear-side (Die Zhi Wei Quan Shen Mi Kung). Continue with Big Crane Step (Da Xian He Bu) and Xiao Xian Bu techniques and the Supplementary exercises. The feelings of Waitankung practice are both sweet and bitter. After Xian Tian Qi is activated, every technique possesses its own marvelous response. However, you must be very sincere and focused on your techniques and be very tranquil in nurturing your qi. The test of your persistence is the only "door" to your success.

3.本週課程,請先演練漢導引的第一至第七式後,以柔筋骨,活血氣。再練預備式、吐納功,蹲身甩手百壽功,再加入本週課程「翼臂足翹一妙功與疊指為拳神妙功」 後,繼續大仙鶴步、小仙步等功架,及附功隨之。練功的感覺,苦樂相伴,先天氣啟動後,招招有神奇之處,但要精誠於功法,篤靜於修練,耐力的考驗,是成功的 不二法門。

4. If you have any queries or doubts during the process of your training, do cross reference to the discussion forum and search for the keywords for discussion at the website www.tankung.com or post questions to the Discussion forum at this centre. The Instructor will reply to you.


5. The "Tan Qi" will protect your body and dispel illnesses. “If your heart is pure, your Kung (training effects) will also be pure”. The Tan Kung (effectiveness of Waitankung training) will reflect on your facial features because your heart is pure. If the nurturing or cultivation process is correct – you will be noble and honorable. I hope your wishes would come true.

5.丹氣護身,以卻風邪,「正心即正功,丹功映儀容,修持有方,尊貴常榮」,敬祝 心想事成。

[Topic 2:] Arm-fluttering with up-lifted toes (翼臂足翹一妙功, Yi Bi Zu Qiao Yi Miao Kung)

Explanations: This technique regulates mainly the mobility of the arms and legs. The tendons and bones of the four limbs become supple. It improves the health of the middle-aged and the elderly.

[標題二:] 外丹功第四式翼臂足翹一妙功

Training Method: Raise both hands sideways to shoulder level. Straighten both arms with both palms facing upwards. Spread out the 10 fingers. Raise the toes. Both legs are upright. Eyes look forward. The tongue touches the upper palate of the mouth. Slightly tuck in the stomach (then relax it). Lean the kua (hip joints) slightly to the back. Stretch palms 9 times (counting silently from 1 to 9). During each counting, tilt the 10 toes and tilt the 10 fingers downward and also press the palms upward. It is called "Zhang An Zhi Qiao". Quietly wait for Xian Tian Qi to reach both hands. Then vibration and trembling from the elbows reach the upper arms and shoulders. When doing the pressing of palms, the fingertips induce Xian Tian Qi to permeate the two arms and shoulders. Eventually, both arms feel as if an electric current is flowing. It is really marvelous. Vibrate and tremble both arms for 30 sec. or more. Breathe naturally. Do not mix or include other training methods into your Waitankung practice.


Salient points: Stretch arms like wings. Tilt the 10 toes. Enhance the flow of qi throughout the 10 fingers and the lower limbs feel flexible or mobile.


Additional explanations: Xian Tian Qi is maintained at the palms and nerve endings of the fingertips. Tendons and meridians become supple. Relax the elbows. The shoulders and hip joints face upward. Body rests on the soles of the feet. Toes are raised therefore Xian Tian Qi is induced at the four meridians – the Yin Qiao (Yin Heel Channel) and Yang Qiao (Yang Heel Channel) as well as the Yin Wei (Yin Link Channel) and Yang Wei (Yang Link Channel) meridians. All the meridians flow smoothly. Stop gradually.


[Topic 3:] Fist Circling at Ear-side (疊指為拳神秘功, Die Zhi Wei Quan Shen Mi Kung)

Explanations: Continue to practice this movement after doing the Arm-fluttering with up-lifted toes (Yi Bi Zu Qiao Yi Miao Kung). This movement harmonizes the upper limbs and improves the functions of the intestines and stomach. It also stretches the chest and improve your digestion and appetite.

[標題三:] 外丹功第五式疊指為拳神秘功

Training Method: Fold thumbs into the center of palms, then the index fingers, the middle fingers, the ring fingers and the little fingers – just like holding a fist. Hold the fists and bend the arms to shoulder level. The two elbows spread out and are at the same level with both shoulders. The two legs stand upright with knees slightly bent/relaxed. The eyes look forward, breathe naturally and the tongue touches the upper palate of the mouth. The four fingers twist against the thumbs 9 times. Silently count 1 – 9. After that, wait patiently for Xian Tian Qi to be activated. When Xian Tian Qi is activated, the two fists will naturally make small circles around the shoulders. The fists and wrists gently circle the ears and over the head continuously. This is similar to current flowing and can go on for about 30 seconds or more. When the orbit of the fists is larger than the head, flick the fists when they are moving downwards. Xian Tian Qi will bring the fists floating upwards, over the head and down to the shoulder blades.  Again, circle the fists round below the ears from the back and move upward in front.
練法開始:兩手先疊兩大拇指於手心內,再疊食指、中指、無名指、小指成為握拳狀,即提兩拳拳拱臂平肩,兩肘向兩肩外平支,兩肘與肩平,兩腿站直,膝蓋微彎,目前視,呼吸自然,扣齒含唇,舌抵上顎,四指擰大拇指,一到九數後,靜待先天氣發動,發動時兩拳在肩上自然做小圓周,拳腕輕繞,繞耳過頭,旋轉不停,如同電流, 其時間三十秒或更多些。當繞拳大於頭的時候,拳往下時擰一下,先天氣帶拳頭往上飄,過頭後往肩膀落,過耳從頭後方下來,從頭前方上去。

Salient points:
1. Upper limbs become light and nimble.
2. The heart and chest feel very comfortable and soothing.
3. Improves the circulation of qi and blood.
4. The mind and spirit become fresh and invigorated.


Additional explanations:
This movement not only helps the stomach and intestines in digestion but also improves appetite and can enhance the mobility of the shoulders. It eases shoulder stiffness. Meridians around the shoulders are regulated. Shoulder illnesses are relieved and slowly reduced. Practice daily 1 to 3 times. It can treat all these illnesses. This is a very good healing exercise. Stop gradually. Open both palms and lower both hands slowly back to Yu Bei Shi stance. The Xian Tian Qi is activated from the finger tips of both hands and it slowly enters the palms, backs to the fingers, enters the wrists and the elbows, back to the palms, enters your wrist bones, elbows, and to the shoulders. Align the centre of the palms to the hollow of the shoulders or "Jiang Jing" (Should Well). Allow aches caused during the exercise to dissipate until there is no more ache. Through this persistent exercise – illnesses and problems of tendons, meridians or arms and shoulders slowly heal naturally.


[Topic 4:] Advice for all trainees: Forget past experiences. Concentrate on practicing this technique.

WaiTanKung is a skill and an art whereby the Spirit of Man harmonizes with the Spirit of Heaven and this is a very marvelous dhyana or Zen technique. Grandmaster Chang had done extensive research on this ancient art of health. It was his lifetime cultivation of this art and when he attained success in this true art – he graciously shared it with the rest of the world. He devoted his total mind, body and heart to deeply practice this art. The Grandmaster had filtered all the unnecessary parts and retained only the essential parts, leaving out the complicated and difficult to comprehend parts. For more than a few decades, he experimented and confirmed the good effects. This art has received public acclaim and also received Government recognition as a useful public health exercise for the cultivation of wellness and fitness. Some trainees who participate in Waitankung may have learnt other forms of Eastern or Western art of fitness exercises like Ninja techniques; Zen and Tibetan or kungfu techniques. Stop them temporarily. Do not mix them with this nurturing exercise to avoid any unnecessary complications or deviance. This is what our volunteers cannot handle. For example, it is necessary to open eyes for practicing Waitankung exercises. Be relaxed and supple to avoid rigidity. Relax totally and be natural. Buoy up your head. Use your physical form to exercise. Concentrate on the techniques. Dispel any distractions. If there are any strange reactions or experiences that prevent you from doing normal practice for some time, you should stop immediately. Substitute the exercise with Han Dao Yin exercises to overcome such abnormal reactions. Bring out your problems for discussion or call with details to discuss with your instructors. Only then should you continue with your practice to ensure that you will not come to any harm.

[標題四:]忘掉過去的經驗,專注現在的功法. 給學員的忠告:
外丹功是一門神合天地人神妙的禪功, 亦是張大師精研古傳功法,畢生體驗禪修,得道後普傳的正功,以正身、正心、正法潛心修練,大師已將外丹功的功法去蕪存菁,趨吉避兇,數十年來,功法驗證, 廣受佳評,更蒙政府納入全民體育傳習的保健禪修功夫。上本中心的學員,也許以前曾習得其他中、西武術、保健、忍術、禪修、密宗、氣功等功法,請暫時拋棄其 他功法,不要混同研修,以免旁生枝節,走火入魔,實非本中心志工能照應者。例如外丹功要『睜眼平視』、「鬆柔御力』,「放鬆自然」「頭頂正』,以身練功, 專注功法,忘記煩憂。如有奇異景象或反映,一段時日,未能正常練功,應即停止研習,改以『漢導引七式』化之,並上討論區,或E-mail電告詳情始末與教 練請益後,再繼續研習,方保無慮。

Those experienced kungfu exponents should not use any incense to practice their concentration, close the eyelids for internal visualizations nor close the eyelids for internal breathing. The body may get into serious complications and disorientation. Do not use qi to dissipate strength. Do not strenuously ‘shake’ or jerk the body. It will harm the internal organs. Never guide the qi to Bai Hui (crown of the head) to prevent resulting blood charging to the internal organs or the brain. This will certainly cause hidden illnesses. It may also harm your whole life. You must also not be fickle minded. Do not stray from your concentration which may enable ‘evil-forces’ to infiltrate. You will regret for the rest of your whole life. Even though Waitankung has no restrictions, you must not use ‘yi’ or will power to control your sex life – it may harm your body and cause physical dysfunction. It will be too late to regret.

有其他功夫經驗者,您就不要「點香凝視』、『垂簾內觀』、『閉眼內息』,以致「身體傾倒受傷」甚或『魔邪入侵』『走火入魔』;更不要「運氣化力』、『強行撞擊』反致傷及五臟六腑,亦不可「意頂百會」、『守宮打穴』以免充血臟腑及腦部,頻生隱疾,遺害終生。亦不能左思右想,心猿意馬,自亂心神,遭致邪靈入侵,一失足成千古恨。外 丹功雖是百無禁忌的功夫,但不可專意以氣操練房事之能,反遭傷身,終生不舉,後悔莫及。

Use basic and simple methods and be focused in your practice. You do not have to use other methods to induce qi. Adding or subtracting any method is not a good strategy. Only after 3 to 5 years could you enter the ‘Gate’. Only after cultivating a few more years can you reap one or two parts  of the  ‘miracles’ of Heaven and Earth. This is only a drop in the ocean. How can you voice out any petty issues? You must not argue negatively – you will only mislead yourself and others.
