【初上】第六週課程:第一段總復習,附功(一)臉部按摩及手部按摩 Print
Written by Riker Kao   
Wednesday, 29 March 2023 08:27


[Topic 1:] Greetings from Intructor Lien

How are you? I am glad you have progressed into the 6th Week. Did you participate in last week’s test? Are the questions difficult? If you have any queries, go back and revise the lesson notes. Some questions are based on your learning experiences and reactions. If you have practised persistently you will surely have deep impressions and will be able to answer the questions. You will gain pleasant surprises and happiness in your life. Again, I want to remind you of the following:

親愛的同道,您好!很高興課程進入第六週,上週有參加測驗嗎?題目難易如何?如有疑問?請複習已教習的課程內容。少部份題目為練功過程的感受及體驗,只要努力練功,一定會有深刻的感受,讓生活多一分驚奇與喜悅吧! 是要提醒您,下列事項:

1.  The first part of the Supplementary Exercises is part of the Waitankung training and is helpful in maintaining good health. They have additional effects. The invigoration or weakness of the 5 ‘zang organs’ will be reflected in your external appearance(muscles, skins and hairs). The ‘massage’ will strengthen the various acupuncture points and this helps in nourishing your muscles, skins and hairs; as well as in health maintenance. The body heat will open the pores of the skin. These supplementary exercises are done after Waitankung exercises. You can use the Xian Tian Qi from both palms to do the massage exercises – these will help to nourish the skin and hair as well as close the pores. You will feel very nice and it will also avoid the negative effects of ‘ill wind’. Practise both in the mornings and evenings/nights – it is helpful to nourish your physical looks.

1. 接下來,進行附功的前半部活動,對於外丹功的保健活動,有附加的效益。五臟榮枯,表相於肌肉皮膚毛髮,按摩正可增強穴道、肌肉、皮膚毛髮的保健。練功體熱 讓毛孔開啟,而附功在外丹功活動之後,可藉助雙手的先天氣,潤敷並收斂皮膚毛孔,舒服的感覺,也是很棒的,,亦可避免風邪的侵入。早晚行之,有助於養顏美容的保健。

2.  Remember, the Han Calisthenics (Han Dao Yin) exercises subtly make your tendons and joints supple. They guide and activate the qi flow. Practise more regularly and apply them in your daily activities.
3.  For this week’s lessons, continue to practise the Han Dao Yin exercises No. 1 to 7 so that the tendons and bones become supple and the circulation of blood and qi become active. Then proceed to practise the Waitankung exercises – Yu Bei Shi, Tu Na Kung, Da Xian He Bu and Xiao Xian He Bu. Then go the video tutorial and combine them with this lesson as a revision. Also, please practise the whole series of exercises everyday to improve the quality and quantity of your Xian Tian Qi and the adaptability of your body. Only then can you proceed with the rest of exercises. This is the challenge.


4. Does the Sitting Waitankung video directly help to activate Xian Tian Qi? I hope you like the convenience of this exercise. When you are free, refer more to the Discussion Section in http://www.tankung.com/  and search for the Sitting Waitankung and its application; and share them with your friends and relatives.
5. “Waitankung is “the daily and monthly accumulation of the precious Elixir, all for the realization of the Longevity of Life”. Wishing you Good Health and Happiness.

5.外丹功「日積月累至寶丹,祗為身體永綿延」,敬祝 健康快樂。


[Topic 2:] First stage of Revision Han Calisthentics (Han Dao Yin) 7 Movements

Follow the video and commands and practise the Han Dao Yin 7 Movements and the supplementary explanations. Go back to the 1st and 2nd Week lessons on Han Dao Yin to refer to these commands and supplementary explanations.

[標題二:] 第一階段總復習,漢導引七式

[Tpoic 3:] First stage of Revision on Waitankung Movements

Four of the 12 Waitankung Movements have already been taught. Please follow the Video Lessons and practise. In Waitankung centres, verbal commands plus some suitable supplementary explanations are the main training techniques. For the required commands and explanations, refer to the Week 3 to Week 5 lessons.

Enclosed are the also the First Stage of the training materials which you can refer to for “Husband and Wife Training Together - as the main support of the family”.
The 7 Han Dao Yin Movements are (1) Arching, (2) Head Turning, (3) Body Slanting, (4) Arms Whirling, (5) Basket Swinging, (6) Waist Bending and (7) Bulling Grass
The 4 Waitankung Movements are (1) Yu Bei Shi, (2) Tu Na Kung, (3) Da Xian He Bu and (4) San Kung Bu.

[標題三:] 第一階段總複習,外丹功十二功架四式
外丹功四式:1.預備式,2.面東龜息吐納功,3.大仙鶴步,4.散功(小仙) 步。

The Supplementary Movements.  “Lifting Knees”, "Flicking the Ankles sideways" and “Fluttering Wrists and Tapping Feet”
The theme of this phase of training is “Husband and Wife training together to ensure that family posterity is maintained. The son is like a noble scholar, The grand children are very filial, and The family is very harmonious.”  Watch the video and follow the Waitankung First Stage of Revision demonstration.


As the saying goes “Man is like a magnificent dragon (strong and agile), Lady is very gracious (healthy and lively).” After the age of 40, it’s a pity that the body of men and women begins to weaken and experience many sicknesses. Nowadays, people are very busy at their workplace and are also burdened with their daily routine. After the age of 30, if the qi and blood are insufficient – the physical and mental energy deteriorate. Life is no longer vibrant and meaningful. How are you going to care for your family? As we age, some people have no intention of getting married; or after marriage they can’t conceive. What can you do?


If you take up Waitankung at an early age and cultivate discipline in Waitankung exercises as a daily routine, you will nourish your qi and blood and release your psychological pressure and maintain a healthy physical and physiological level. You will be able to ensure your family posterity. “Producing sons who are handsome and scholarly, Producing daughters who are virtuous and intelligent”. The Grand Master once mentioned a famous Waitankung saying
“A man at the age of 80 produces a son. A woman at the age of 60 is still productive. All become youthful, happy, healthy and blessed.”


Waitankung training is beyond the “form” type of health exercise. The Xian Tian Qi is ‘the mother of the essence and blood’ to nourish the male sperm and female blood. If husband and wife practisie WaiTanKung together, the husband will have a kind and respectful appearance while the wife will look beautiful and peaceful.  The elixir and qi are mutually complimentary to each other.  Together, they both are bathed in ‘the youthful dew’ (elixir and qi). Their appearances become vibrant.  Day in and day out, their persistent cultivation becomes clear while their love are implanted into each other more firmly than ever - always maintaining health and fortune and become the main pillar of the family forever. Obviously the whole family is happy and blessed.


The demonstrators are the 3 couples: Instructor Lai and Lee, Instructor Chen and Lin, Instructor Lien and Yang. The emcee is Instructor Lai.


[Topic 4:] Supplementary Movements Part 1:  Massaging the Face and the Hands.

This Supplementary Movement is taught in two parts. The second part will be included in the Week 9 tutorial.  This Week’s tutorial is on Facial and Hand massage. The sequence is as follows:

[標題四:] 附功 (一) 臉部按摩及手部按摩

附功,分兩部份教習,第二部份列在第九週教習,本週課程先教習【附功 (一) 臉部按摩及手部按摩】 (項次) 如下:

3. Washing the Hand. Stand with feet at shoulder width. Place both hands in front of abdomen to wash the hands (like washing under the water tap). After washing, place the right palm on the back of the left palm then move the right palm up along the arm beyond the elbow. Then turn the left palm facing upwards. The right palm now is rubbing down along the left arm reaching the left palm. Change hands after 3 times. The left palm now rubs the right arms in the same way as the right palm. 


4. Facial Treatment. Palms upright and touching in front of the chest. Rub and heat up the palms. Place palms on the face and ‘wash’ the face - up and down and from outside to inside. Rub the cheek bones, the forehead, the back of the ears and then down the neck. All these parts must be massaged. The sweat is known as ‘kungfu sweat’. During massage, this ‘kungfu sweat’ will permeate into the skin and nourish your facial appearance. The middle-aged and the elderly will look younger. Young men will be more ‘handsome’. This ‘kungfu sweat’ is a kind of youthful lotion. You should treasure the sweat and do not remove the sweat with your handkerchief.


5. Massage the Scalp. Use the ball of the fingertips to massage the scalp 18 times – from the edge of the scalp in front to the edge at the back. After that, drop both hands naturally to the sides. The hair is nourished through this scalp massage from the front to the back – following the flow of the meridians. This also helps improve the circulation of blood and qi on the head. Massaging lightly also prevents high blood pressure.


9. Acupressure of the Hands 
(1). Place the left hand at chest level; open the arc of the hand with the thumb facing the sternum. Place the right index finger under the arc and use the thumb to press against the “Hu Kou” (Tiger Mouth) acupoint 9 times; one second each time. At the ninth time, press and hold position for 3 seconds. Change this process to the right hand. Place it in front of the chest, right thumb facing the sternum.  Place the left index finger under the arc and use the left thumb to press against the right ‘Tiger Mouth’ acupoint. Similarly, massage it 9 times.



Place the left hand upright in front of the chest. Place the first joint of the right middle finger at the base between the 4th and 5th left fingers. The spot where the tip of the right middle finger touches the left hand is the acupoint. Then lower the left palm, raise the right hand and turn the palm down and place the right thumb over the spot.  Place index finger second knuckle under the left hand to support the left palm. Apply pressure with the right thumb and index finger 9 times; one second each time.  Change hand for the other side.


(2). Raise the left hand with thumb pointing the sternum. Raise the right hand and apply pressure with the thumb and index finger against the wrist bones of the left hand. Press 9 times. Then change hands and repeat process and massage the right wrist with the left thumb and index finger.


(3). Place the left hand in front, palm facing upward, and slightly bend the elbow. With the right hand, form a right angle (90 degrees) with the right middle finger and thumb. Place the middle finger on the 2nd line of the wrist. The thumb touches the ‘XiMen Hole’. Press the right thumb against the spot 9 times with the other four fingers supporting at the bottom. Then change hands. Drop the arms by both sides of the body after completion.


(4). Place both hands upright in front of the chest, rub palms until warm. Bend the body forward at 45 degrees. Rub palms against the kidney positions for 36 times. 


(5). Bend the knees, lower the body. Place both palms on knee caps and rub them up and down 36 times. After this practice, body heat is released.
