【初上】第五週課程:第一段測驗說明,坐姿外丹功 (介紹及示範) Print
Written by Riker Kao   
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 13:07

【初上】第五週課程:第一段測驗說明,坐姿外丹功 (介紹及示範)

[Topic 1:] Greetings from Instructor Lien.

Dear members, how are you? I am happy that we are in Week 5. Your persistency in training is much appreciated. Has Xian Tian Qi been activated already? If yes, then you have gained a lot of benefits. Your appearance is better now? For those who have been working very hard (burning the midnight oil) the ‘false heat’ has been contained. Your original qi feels fuller than before. If not, you must not forget to practice the Han Induction for 15-30 minutes every morning and night. Also increase your Yu Bei Shi practice by standing in tranquility for more than 30 min. Please remember, if you can spare half an hour, think deeply about standing silently in Yu Bei Shi and train diligently. You must focus on your training, never give up. If you ‘snatch’ time here and there – continue to be diligent. Your success will be 90%. Only 10% give up the chance of ‘understanding’ Xian Tian Qi.

[標題一:] 廉教練的祝福與提示

1.  If your legs cannot withstand standing for a long time, increase the Han Dao Yin exercises especially Basket Swinging and Da Xian He Bu. All these are solutions to help strengthen your legs. Increase your efforts to achieve your objective. Success is a reward for those who are determined. You have an appointment with Xian Tian Qi.


2.  Re-emphasis: For all WaiTanKung movements, tuck in the chin (to straighten the spinal column). Maintain head upright (your spirits will be raised). Lightly close the lips, with teeth touching (unison of body and mind and you will feel ‘noble’). The tongue touches the upper palate (saliva will secrete automatically). Eyes look forward (you will have a peaceful mind). Practise all these movements one at a time. Then merge them into one comprehensive movement.

2.再強調:外丹功各式:均以收下巴 (脊自直),頭頂正 (神自醒),含唇扣齒 (神自合,尊貴),舌尖抵上顎 (津液自生),目平視 (神自安)的等功法一以貫之,請逐一練習,融合為一。

3. For this week’s lesson, continue practicing the Han Dao Yin Movements 1-7 to relax the tendons and bones and invigorate your blood flow. Then, practice Yu Bei Shi, Tu Na Kung, Da Xian He Bu, Xiao Xian He Bu etc. After these you can begin to switch on the ‘Sitting Waitankung’ video lesson. Follow the training commands and training explanations. This particular movement can be practiced on its own anywhere anytime and can also be treated as a fitness energy nourishing technique.


4. For those who have not activated Xian Tian Qi during the Yu Bei Shi, go back and reflect on your 3 Treasures (Jing - Essence, Qi, and Shen - Spirit) - are they adequate? Is the training environment peaceful and quiet? Slow down on sex life. Xian Tian Qi is the combination of these 3 Treasures. If your sperm is discharged often, your Qi will not ‘awaken’. Remember this. After you have attained success (activated Xian Tian Qi) you can resume your normal sex life in a moderate manner which can help nourish the Original Qi.


5. When you are proficient in ‘Sitting Waitankung”, you can nourish your Original Qi at anywhere anytime. This can enhance brain power, the eye balls will become soothing and releases work fatigue and increases work efficiency. Please refer to the training materials of the 12 Waitankung Movements in the Waitankung website www.tankung.org. And in the ‘Sitting Waitankung’ testimonies and applications by Instructor Lien. For the application part, go the Waitankung website Discussion Section, refer particularly to the Home Page and search for ‘Sitting Waitankung’. Refer to the contents which you think you know but which you may not know and may not fully understand. A few years later, you may realize how fortunate you are.


6. You have learned the various Waitankung Movements like the Yu Bei Shi, Tu Na Kung,Da Xian He Bu and San Kung Bu in your practice. You may follow the sequence of practice, split them into small packages or practice each one in greater detail.


7.  "Sitting Waitankung" is the 2nd technique to activate Xian Tian Qi. The application of this technique is very wide. Follow the salient points for the Yu Bei Shi technique. Breathe naturally and sink down the whole body weight. Sixty percent of those who practice this technique should be able to activate Xian Tian Qi within 40 min. The rest will also feel some qi reaction. When Xian Tian Qi slowly vibrates smoothly – lead it to both hands then, stand upright. Follow this manner and continue to practice Yu Bei Shi and other Movements. Because of your persistency, the instructor kindly ‘open this door’ to allow you to go through this obstacle.


8.  This on-line Lesson has passed the one third stages. Now, it is time for the first stage of the Test. Remember, next week the Waitankung lesson becomes more demanding. You must keep up with the practice. Do not fall behind. I wish you happiness and health.


[Topic 2:] The Sitting Waitankung Experience

Salient points:
1. The body sits upright and comfortably. Eyes look forward. The tip of the tongue touches the upper palate. Breathe naturally (do not be concerned about breathing).
2. Place both hands on the thighs. Maintain parallel knees at a suitable distance. Both feet (below the knees) are vertical or slightly forward. The chair should be of suitable height to avoid bending the body. The angle between the knees and the abdomen should be bigger than 90o. A stool is preferred to prevent the bottom of the thigh from being compressed by the edge of the chair affecting blood circulation.

[標題二:] 坐姿外丹功體驗課程

3. Sit quietly for more than 1 minute. You will feel the ‘Qi’ slowly sinking down. Both soles will feel ‘full’. Then, lift the heels above the ground for more than 1 inch. Gently shake them up and down. Focus your mind on the soles. You will feel some vibrations. Then, the whole body becomes relaxed. Maintain tranquillity. The heart and soul become peaceful. When the shaking becomes stronger, you must regulate the shaking to be consistent on both feet. Reduce muscular strength in shaking the feet. It is important to maintain “song” (relaxed, feeling Qi in the bones), ‘rou’ (pliable, feeling Qi in the tendons), ‘mian’ (continuous, feeling Qi in the muscles) and ‘mi’ (concentrated/intensive, feeling Qi on the skins) states. Heels must not touch the floor. If you want to stop, place the heels down and stop. Sit quietly for a while. Take a slow walk to recover back to normal. You can combine this Movement with the 12 Waitankung Movements and train – it will be better.

3、 靜坐片刻(一分鐘以上),漸感氣息自然下沈,雙足掌有脹滿感,繼而將雙足跟微提高離地(一寸以上)輕微帶動(上下抖動),並將心意放在足掌(有感覺即 可),此時全身仍放鬆,自然守靜,心神安定,雙足抖動愈增強時,可心意調整使雙足上下抖動一致,並去除其力道,以『鬆柔綿密』為佳。足跟不著地,如欲停止,祗要將足放下即停,稍坐,散步片刻即回復正常,如能配合外丹功十二式練法更佳。

4. Paragraphs 1-3 above are movements for activating Xian Tian Qi. If you can extend the time – allow qi to permeate the whole body. This technique and the Yu Bei Shi are the same in activating Xian Tian Qi – the only difference is the approach. Normally, people can focus on this form of training for 40 min. and can activate Xian Tian Qi for the first time. Subsequently, when you practise Waitankung you have already entered the ‘gate’. Those who have been practising Waitankung in the mornings and have not experienced the activation of Xian Tian Qi can be taught and get the benefits from this technique. Those suffering from stroke or have walking difficulties and cannot stand for long – can also practice this technique to ‘open’ the Waitankung door easily. This will help promote Waitankung and the applications of Waitankung easily to the ordinary people.

This technique is like a gentleman sitting down sincerely wishing to learn genuine gongfu; unlike those people simply shaking legs using only 1 or 2 legs. This is a great difference between the two. So, do not be distressed by the common saying “For men just shaking the legs won’t get you rich. For women – it becomes cheap.” The bio-electrical waves excited by these vibrations are beneficial to our body organs and brain. It is worthwhile to study them deeply. “The wise man knows it, the knowledgeable man wants to take it, the common person will not do research, the stupid one will ignore it and the ignorant will criticize it.”

4、 1─3為先天氣啟動式,如能延長時間,使氣佈滿全身,其與預備式啟動先天氣有異曲同功之妙,且平常人只要40分鐘專志為之,一次可練成,其後練外丹功即可 入門;對於久練晨操班,未能感受先天氣動者,可教習練之;患中風、不良於行走者、不耐久站者、皆可輕啟外丹功之門,此有助外丹功之普及與應用。

5. The following are the applications of Xian Tian Qi. After about 10 min. of vibrating the feet, you can apply qi in the following ways:
A. Use the accumulated Qi. Mentally direct the qi up the body, to the shoulders, to the back, and then back to both knees and feet. This will massage the old injuries. After some time healing will take place or, it may reduce the pain. If you feel severe pain in the beginning, please tolerate it. Three to five minutes later the pain will cease. If you practise this for a few days for several times there will be great improvement.  Those ‘stubborn’ chronic illnesses like rheumatism, arthritis, sprains, weak bladder, and numbness in the feet, diabetes, digestive problems and hardening of the liver - can be reduced.

B. The Qi will rise or vibrate based on the 4 limbs and the back spine. It is good for the body. Keep the chest and abdomen still to avoid ‘knocking’ of the internal organs. The qi from the chest and abdomen should sink down to the feet. From the feet it rises up to the back again. It is front down, back up again. Do not induce the qi to ‘knock’ the head portion. The head portion should be kept still and not be disturbed mentally.

A 將抖動累積之先天氣,放置身體肩背以下雙足、膝等位置,對舊傷患部按摩,日久痊癒,或舒減其痛楚。如始而有劇痛,請忍之,3~5分鐘即已停痛,如此數日 (數次)後,可大幅改善,並可去除痼疾。(對風濕、關節痛風、足筋扭傷、小尿失禁、腳麻痺、糖尿病、腸胃病、肝硬化等有極佳之助益)
B 氣息練法,以四肢、陽背脊為氣上升或抖動之所,有益身體。胸腹宜靜,以避免五臟內腑之撞擊。胸腹之氣宜下走足,足升脊背;前身下,背後上也。不要引氣撞擊頭部,頭部宜靜不擾神

C. Those suffering from spinal bone spurs, stroke, and problems with internal organs. This technique is helpful for the problems by regulating the spine. Area within three inches on both sides of the spinal column is the central nervous system and the various acupuncture points of the 5 ‘zang’ organs. The qi can nourish and activate these acupuncture points. (It is better to regulate an area rather than an acupuncture point.)


D.   After vibrating for more than 10 minutes, if your back begins to ache, induce the qi from the coccyx up to the spine. Induce it up and down a few times. It can relieve the pain. Then, mentally induce the qi down to the feet and continue your practice. This time, the qi travels between the feet to the knees. It becomes stronger. After 15 min. induce qi between the feet, the knees and the coccyx and back. Or else, you can simultaneously vibrate these 3 parts. Then reduce the mental focus and allow the qi to flow continuously up and down the back. The whole body will become very soothing. The nervous system, the internal organs, muscles, tendons and bones will all benefit. The brain becomes alert. You will feel drowsy when the qi initially rises to the back and to the brain.  Then it will fade. Alternatively, when the qi sinks to the feet you will be awake. (Those stroke victims and those who wish to strengthen the body can practise this technique.)

In December 1980, when Instructor Lien visited a factory he met the boss Mr. Chen, aged 69 years (with 29 years experience in Waitankung). He integrated this technique with Waitankung training and experienced benefits. On 15 June 1990 this Instructor Lien travelled to Japan and shared this technique with his colleagues. When Instructor Lien returned to Taiwan he wrote an article. In October 1995, he reported to the Grandmaster Chang on the application of this technique to Waitankung. After 10 years Instructor Lien feels the positive effects becoming stronger and he feels we should promote this technique as a supplement to our 12 Movements. The applications and experiences have been introduced to our website 
www.tankung.org in the Discussions section. Our members can refer to it.

D 抖動十餘分鐘後,如背部酸痛者,可引氣尾閭(臂部之脊柱部位)上脊來回數次,自能舒解,再意引下降足部續練,此時氣走足膝之間加強,十五分鐘後,可放尾閭、膝、足三部位之間來回,或同時合抖。此時心意降,氣息冉冉上升,升降不己,全身舒暢,神經系統、五臟六腑、肌肉筋骨皆能受惠,腦自然清醒,氣升至脊 背、後腦初階有睡意,久而消,或降氣至足部即醒。  (中風、調養身體者可常為之)
後記:廉 朝棟於1980/12月間,在拜訪廠商,得遇老板陳老先生(時年69歲,已有29年經驗)後,勤加演練,配合外丹功的研習,多方驗證其效益,並於 1990/06/15首次旅日觀光,曾分享同行同仁,返國有感而編輯,1995/10月間曾向 張大師報告本式之應用,再經十餘年,益覺其效益,值得推廣,暫定外丹功十二功架外應用一式吧!其應用及驗證,已於『中華外內丹功網站』之『討論區』,多方 介紹,同道請逕行參考。

[Tpoic 3:] ONLINE TEST for Elementary Course Grade One

This is mainly to allow the Instructor to know your progress and experience and to enable the instructor to improve the contents of this long distance training course.

The long distance training test.  The students should follow the test according to our plan. Otherwise, the lessons will automatically stop. Do not forget – the test will not be repeated. So choose a good time and take the first part of the test. There are 2 tests for every stage of the lesson plus a final test. You should pick a day in 5th, 7th and the 10th week to take the tests. If you can obtain 70% scores for 2 of the 3 tests, you can then obtain our ‘End of the Course Certificate’ – all within 6 months. You can obtain the certificate online. This is the confirmation of your practice with this Centre. You can then reward yourself. After the tests and if you have qualified, you can participate in the 9 day Camp (6 days lessons and 3 days tour). We sincerely hope all will put in the efforts and everyone from all over the world can congregate and meet each other. This will be our destiny.

After this camp and if you pass – you will be awarded a Training Camp Certificate. You will then be appointed either as an Assistant Instructor, Demonstrator of Grade One or an Administrative Assistant.
You can then start sharing Waitankung with your friends in your area and maintain contact with the training Centre. You will continue to receive advancement opportunities and receive tutorial services.

[標題三:] 初階上級課程,第一段線上測驗