【初上】第四週課程:大仙鶴步及摔手踏步,介紹家庭外丹功(示範預備式)。 Print
Written by Riker Kao   
Monday, 27 March 2023 13:22


[Topic 1:] Greetings from the Instructor Lien

The 4th week lesson is “Da Xian He Bu” or Big Crane Step and “Fluttering the Wrists and Tapping the soles of feet on the Ground” and Introduction to ‘Home-based Waitankung’( with demonstration on Yu Bei Shi).
Dear members, how are you? All are feeling wonderful as you have just encountered Xian Tian Qi. The lesson now enters the 4th week. Now the Waitankung ‘assignment’ has increased. I hope you will be persistent in your practice. The modules of this Course will be completed in 4 months. The most important period is the first 3 months. You will gradually understand the characteristics of Xian Tian Qi. In time to come, you will attain full original qi (Yuan Qi). Your blood and qi will be invigorated and your radiant face will look healthy and charming. You won’t be the same as before.

[標題一:] 廉教練的祝福與提示

1.  Now, have you put on your leisure wear and the proper attire for practising WaiTanKung? Remember, if you are focused and serious in your practice, you will surely succeed.

1. 想您應已穿好休閒服,有模有樣的練起外丹功了,記得【鄭重其事,必定成功】。

2.  For all WaiTanKung movements, tuck in the chin (to straighten the spinal column). Maintain head upright (your spirits will be raised). Lightly close the lips, with teeth touching (unison of body and mind and you will feel ‘noble’). The tongue touches the upper palate (saliva will secrete automatically). Eyes look forward (you will have a peaceful mind). Practise all these movements one at a time. Then merge them into one comprehensive movement.

2. 外丹功各式:均以收下巴 (脊自直),頭頂正 (神自醒),含唇扣齒 (神自合,尊貴),舌尖抵上顎 (津液自生),目平視 (神自安)的等功法一以貫之,請逐一練習,融合為一。

3.  This is the 4th week lesson. You must continue to practise the Han Induction Movements No. 1–7 in order to relax the bones, tendons and to soothe all the 5 “zang” organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney). Then, switch on the Da Xian He Bu video. Follow all the commands and training instructions. You can practise this particular Movement on its own - in the morning and in the evening. You can also practise it as ending part of the whole training routine.

3. 本週課程,仍應繼續先演練漢導引的第一至第七式後,柔筋骨,舒五臟。即可啟動【大仙鶴步】的影音課程,依口令及功法說明演練,該式可早晚單獨演練,亦可作為全部課程項目排列後段練之。

4.  Those trainees who have not yet activated Xian Tian Qi during the Yu Bei Shi exercise should examine themselves whether their Jing(Essence), Qi and Shen(Spirit) are adequate. Is the training environment calm and peaceful? Have you temporarily stopped your sex life? Xian Tian Qi is the total combination of Jing, Qi and Shen (The 3 Treasures). If you discharge too much sperm, your Qi won’t be sufficiently strong to activate Xian Tian Qi. Remember this.

4. 預備式先天氣尚未啟動的同道,請回想自己在精氣神是否專一,練功環境是否寧靜,房事有否稍停,先天氣是精氣神的統合,精洩氣則不起,切記之。

5.  When practising Waitankung you must treasure the sperm and sweat. Before you start your Waitankung practice, stand facing the East or stand with your face to the wind. After completing your practice, massage the back of your arms a few times. Then massage the face and the back of the neck to close the pores. This will prevent the penetration of ‘moisture’ and ‘icy’ air which may harm you. Also refer to the “Things to note during training” at the Waitankung website www.tankung.org for the 12 Waitankung Movement explanations and the teaching material.


6.  Waitankung lessons taught are Yu Bei Shi and Tu Na Gong and San Gong Bu. Follow the sequence of practice or you can separate them into individual movements to study each one in detail. If necessary, practise each movement repeatedly according to your needs or intentions.


7.  When Xian Tian Qi is activated in the Yu Bei Shi, you should relax the whole body. Spread and loosen the fingers. Xian Tian Qi will automatically reach the nerve endings of the finger tips. This will make the wrists, elbows and joints supple. Reduce physical force. Slowly allow Xian Tian Qi to reach the nerve endings. Use both hands to train it. Please go to the www.tankung.org Website “Discussion Section”. Under “Search” look for Yu Bei Shi discussions. Refer to the contents. You know it, yet you do not know it well. After a few years, you may suddenly realize it and feel that you are so lucky.


[Topic 2:] 12th Movement – DA XIAN HE BU (BIG CRANE STEP)

Explanation: This Movement regulates the hip joints, waist and spine. It also improves the circulation of blood and qi throughout the whole body. If the middle-aged and the elderly practise this movement constantly, it will strengthen the bones and tendons, and all the joints will become mobile. This is beneficial to health and longevity.

[標題二:] 外丹功第十二式 大仙鶴歩】

Training Method: From the Yu Bei Shi stance, lower the body and lift the left foot to the left - 1 small step. Lower the body 25o - 45o like sitting on a chair. The back of the brain and the bottom of the spine are in perpendicular alignment. Both knees are aligned parallel. Feet are aligned with toes and heels parallel. Details of the Movement are as follow.


1.   Keep still as in the previous stance. Lift the feet and hip joints only to the left or right – maintaining 2 steps width. Lower the body 25o and keep the body centre line straight. Tuck in the coccyx. Drop the 2 arms beside the thighs, keep them relaxed and straight. The back of both hands face forward. Spread out the 10 fingers pointing downward. Raise the Index fingers slightly. The head is lightly buoyed up. Gently close the lips, with teeth touching. The tongue touches the upper palate. Eyes look forward. Breathe naturally. Ears listen to own breathing.


2. Lift the right knee up to abdomen level. The toes of the right foot and the instep point downward. The left leg sits firmly. Place the right foot flat on the ground in the right forward position “like a falling leaf”. Toes and heel are in a straight line.


3. Lift the left knee to abdomen level. The toes of the left foot and the instep point downward. The right leg sits firmly. Place the left foot flat on the ground in the left forward position – like a falling leaf. Toes and the heel are in a straight line.


4.  Move forward 9 steps ending with the right foot. Then, reverse the hands with the palms facing forward. Pull the left leg backward. The left knee should be straight during the backward movement.  When touching the ground, bend the knee slightly like a bow. Withdraw the right leg (knee straight). Upon touching the ground, bend it a little like a bow. Both feet maintain two steps width.  Don’t reduce the width. After reaching Step 9 with the left foot, rest and stroll (San Gong Bu).

 (四) 如此向前邁行仙鶴步至第九步時落右足,遂即兩手掌翻向前,退左足,左膝直著退步,落地時膝蓋曲弓,再退右足,膝蓋宜,落地時曲弓,惟係兩足仍保持兩步寬距離,不能縮小,仍退到第九步左腿止,始休息散步。

Continue to practise stepping the left and right feet forward and backward. Shift body weight left and right at the same level. The coccyx and the middle of the body trunk should be the axis of the whole body. The head is buoyed up and body is not slanting. Both centres of the palms face backwards. Spread out the 5 fingers of each hand. In the forward movement, lift the right thigh and move forward slowly and keep the foot flat upon touching the ground. The left leg stands with knee facing the back of the foot. Leg muscles will be strengthened. For reverse steps, the palms face forward. Withdraw the left foot, knee straight with the left heel tilting ‘outwards’ and the foot is flat when moving backwards. This will slightly pull and loosen the coccyx. The right knee should face the back of right foot. This will steady the body’s centre of gravity. When you withdraw your right foot – the movement reverses. For beginners, maintain 1 foot length in the forward and backward movement. Do this Da Xian He Bu for 7 or 9 steps repeatedly. You can separate this whole Movement into several parts for detailed practice and study. By moving forward and backward, the qi will travel to both hands and legs, and also to and fro between them. Naturally, the nerve endings of the 10 fingers of both hands will feel full and firm. Practise daily, in the morning and in the evening. In time, the strength of the legs will increase. When climbing hills the legs will be light, the breath will be strong and the heart will be happy.

繼續演練:隨著左右足的前進或後退,身體重心左右平移。上半身姿勢尾閭中正(頭領正身體不歪斜), 兩手掌心朝後,五指平伸,前進先抬右大腿緩移前行,平足落地;站立的左腳,膝蓋要對正腳面,腳力自生。後退時,兩手翻轉手心朝前,先退左足,左膝打直,左足跟向外,平足後移,自會微微拉鬆尾閭;右足膝蓋要對正腳面,穩住身體的重心。再退右足時左右足互換亦如是。初學者前進或後退皆以一足掌長度為準,稱為一 步。大仙鶴歩可前進.後退各七歩或九歩反覆練習,每一個動作可以分開來分解揣摩練習。前進與後退氣行兩足及兩手來回,自然兩手十指末稍氣足肉實。每日早晚 練習,日久,腿力足,登山輕履,氣順心愉。

Salient Points:  Lift the knees and drop the feet like a crane. When moving forward, relax the kua like a ‘crane step’. When stepping down – the feet ‘drop like falling leaves floating onto the ground’.  Face smiles like a child.


[Topic 3:] DA XIAN HE BU Health Enhancing

Young Internet surfers, you can release stress and relax your minds if you can practise the Da Xian He Bu movement daily once in the morning and once in the evening. It also helps to maintain physical energy and strengthen the legs. When you climb hills in your free time with your friends, you will be like walking on flat ground. You will be portraying youthful characteristics. Those office workers who sit too long may suffer from piles, lumbago or sciatica pain. If you practise this Movement persistently, you can prevent these problems. You can also maintain body energy and improve shortage of breath conditions and improve general body weaknesses. For the elderly, practising this can help improve physical energy and strengthen the legs. Movements become more agile. You will automatically gain self-confidence and respect from others.

[標題三:] 【大仙鶴歩】的保健應用


[Topic 4:]  Supplementary Exercise “Flutter Wrists and Tap Feet”

Training technique: Stand at attention, drop elbows naturally. Raise the lower arms to elbow level and turn the elbows slightly outwards. The two palms face each other and flutter the wrists (left and right) briskly. Rest the body on the left kua, slightly bend the left knee and extend the right leg outwards. Bend and straighten the right knee to raise and lower the right feet and tap the right sole flat on the ground. This will ‘loosen’ the meridians and tendons of the feet and also relieve pain of both legs. If you have cramp on the legs, this is also helpful. Reverse this Movement to the other leg. Tap 6-9 times on each foot. Body movements move up and down in a gentle vibrating manner. This Movement is also a San Gong technique. It also ‘loosens’ the meridians and tendons of the whole body. Avoid vigorous stomping of the feet to prevent harming the meridians, tendons and internal organs, or the brain. Do this for an average of 30 seconds and then stop. Then, face the East and bow. Thank the Grand Master for ‘promoting’ this health exercise.

[標題四:] 附功:摔手踏步活動

摔手踏步練法:身體站立,手肘自然下垂,兩小手臂抬平微外開,兩手心相對上下斜向搧手,同時身體站立左胯,膝蓋微彎,右足伸直,身體彎膝上下帶動右腳掌平拍地面,如此,可鬆開腳的筋脈,化解雙腳的痠痛,平時腳部抽筋,亦相當有用。左右來回互換,每腳拍地6-9次,身體隨之上下輕微震盪。抬腳掌拍地亦是散功法,兼拍鬆全身筋脈,但切忌重力拍擊地面,以免傷及筋脈、臟腑或腦部,時間共約30少秒,停,功畢向東一鞠躬,謝謝  張大師功法薪傳。

[Topic  5:] Introduction to Home-based Waitankung

Our Grand Master Chang Chih Tung started teaching WaiTanKung as a health activity to his group of friends in 1976 in the Tinghsi Elementary School, Yungho Town, Taipei County. Between 1979 - 1980, he established WaiTanKung as a legal organization in Taiwan. It is called the Chinese WaiNeiTanKung Research Society which comprises the Headquarters, various city and district branches. The main objective of this society is to promote WaiTanKung as a community health exercise, to promote the general health of the public, family happiness, and to cultivate peaceful hearts, bringing benefits to the family and to the nation. Since the early stages of this WaiTanKung Movement, it has been a public as well as an institutional activity, mainly for exercise. It was being promoted as a mass exercise and mutual research activity. In the Taichung Stadium, more than 60 sessions of Instructors’ Course have been held to prepare and train them to become local and foreign volunteer WaiTanKung instructors. A few tens of thousands of instructors have been trained to promote the Waitankung exercise locally and overseas to bring health and happiness to the World.

[標題五:] 介紹家庭外丹功(示範預備式)
外丹功由世界外丹功宗師 張志通大師,於西元1976年在台灣的臺北縣永和市頂溪國小教習身邊友人的保健身體,開始流傳,於西元1979-1980年 先後成立台灣全島的社團法人組織,名叫「中華外內丹功研究學」包括總會及各縣市分、支會,社團宗旨為:推行全民體育外丹功,使人人健康,家庭幸福,以臻平和人心,福民利國。早期推展,以各社區及機關團體為主軸。以集體研習的方式推動,並在台灣的台中市省立體育場先後舉辦六十餘場次的外丹功「指導員研習 班」,培植國內外數萬的義工─外丹功指導員,散佈在國內外推展外丹功研習活動,造福世人健康幸福。

At a twinkling of the eye, WaiTanKung has been actively promoted for more than 30 years. The advancement of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has helped to propagate WaiTanKung to all corners of the World in a matter of seconds - across time and space - to everyone. The vision of the Grand Master, and which was also his dying wish, was to have many trainers, practitioners and volunteers helping to propagate this exercise in all places wholeheartedly bringing good health to the people and benefit the country. This means assisting the Grand Master and assisting WaiTanKung. Let the World share in the health and happiness of WaiTanKung, family happiness and joy.

轉眼間,外丹功推展已歷30年, 人文科技進步,資訊通訊發達,天涯海角,分秒距離,拉近世人的空間。張大師的心願,也是歸真前的遺願,就是期望眾多義工、指導員及弟子熱心協助大師在各個 領域,齊心合力推動外丹功研習、發揚濟世,福民利國,也就是『幫助大師,幫助外丹功』,讓世人共用外丹功的健康快樂,家庭幸福美滿。

Presently, the International Website in the Internet is very popular. Thus, the propagation of WaiTanKung has entered another stage because of technological development. This centre has combined ICT and mass media technologies in the long distance learning as a learning arena. It is aimed at promoting WaiTanKung and ‘Original Qi’ (Yuan Qi) to the younger generation. In doing so, it hopes to influence husband and wife to learn WaiTanKung together and to popularise it as a ‘family happiness WaiTanKung’. Firstly, enable youths to practise WaiTanKung and then to influence the whole family and relatives and friends to learn WaiTanKung together. Then, you can achieve the whole family health and happiness benefits.

目前國際網路資訊通達,外丹功推展活動順勢邁入另一階段,本中心結合資訊及媒體科技,以遠距教學為研習活動道場,來推展【青年元氣外丹功】,帶動【夫妻同修 外丹功】,普傳為【家庭幸福外丹功】,讓外丹功由年青人先學習,並帶動全家親友一齊練習,如此可達閤家健康、幸福、快樂」。

This particular module is the ‘Home-based WaiTanKung’. Firstly, Instructor Lien and Instructor Yang are leading 3 young practitioners to carry out the ‘Preliminary Level’ WaiTanKung Long Distance Learning Course. This is supplemented by the other community and association WaiTanKung activities. This is to expose them to all aspects of WaiTanKung and to share WaiTanKung to all the members, young friends and to the World. The contents of this long distance learning course are based mainly on the Grand Master’s training book on WaiTanKung for the general public i.e. “Chinese WaiTanKung Illustrated Training Manual” and the Grand Master’s verbal training methods. This is to propagate WaiTanKung as a fitness and health activity.  This is to fulfill the Grand Master’s heartfelt wish to bring about good health and benevolence to mankind.

本單元為「家庭外丹功」,先由廉教練及楊教練帶領三位青年,進行初級外丹功遠距教學的主要活動,再輔以社區及社團的外丹功研習活動,展現外丹功活動的全貌,分享外丹功同道、年青朋友與世人。遠距教學的內容,主要以 張大師著作的全民體育教材「外丹功圖解本」及張大師薪傳的口語研修功法為本,並以發揚外丹功身體保健為主要內容,以竟張大師外丹功福澤世人的心願。