首頁 初階課程 Elementary Course 初階研習上 Grade 1 【初上】第一週課程:外丹功介紹,漢導引前三式
外丹功 (WaiTanKung). 歡迎光臨外內丹功研修中心 ! 本中心提供外丹功視訊課程, 免費加入會員..... Welcome to WaiNeiTanKung Research Center !!! Free to learn WaiTanKung now
【初上】第一週課程:外丹功介紹,漢導引前三式 Print E-mail
Written by Riker Kao   
Monday, 06 March 2023 10:08


[Topic 1:] Greetings from Instructor Lien and important points to take note.

Dear trainees, I am Instructor Lien.

On behalf of this Centre, I welcome you to participate in our training and nurturing group.
Waitankung is traditionally conducted directly face to face in a group of 20 or more trainees. For the benefit of those from all corners of the world who are interested in practising this exercise, this Centre has created this form of long distance/online training course to overcome the constraints of time and space. We need to overcome many training obstacles so that the trainees will experience the real live feeling of successful activation of Xian Tian Qi and discover its hidden wonders.

[標題一:] 廉教練的問候及叮嚀
外丹功研修,在傳統上採集體 (20人以上) 現場面授教習法,為使愛好丹功的同道,在天涯海角,不受時空限制,皆能有機會研修外丹功,本中心創新以遠距教習法,需要克服頗多教學上的障礙,才能讓同道有臨場感,順利體驗外丹功先天氣啟動的奧秘。

Take note - that to increase the effectiveness of this form of online training lessons – you must pay serious attention to the following requirements.

1. To ensure that the exercise movements are done correctly, you must understand and remember all the principles and follow accordingly all the verbal instructions and movements as shown in the video. Repeat the lessons as often as possible.

2. Exercise whole heartedly daily at a regular time and at a peaceful place. Be focused during your training. Download the weekly training lessons and exercise seriously according to the training programme.

3. During exercise, ensure that your body is in a warm state, and select the time of exercise carefully.  It is best to begin exercise at least 1½ hours after a meal. Allow half an hour rest after exercise before consuming any food again.

4. Take note of the weekly training advice and the explanations of these lessons.

5. If you have any inquiries or doubts regarding your exercise, post your inquiries or discussion topics at the “Discussion Board/Forum” of this website. The Instructor will respond as soon as possible. This will also allow other trainees to participate in these discussions.

6. If you have any confidential enquiries or discussion topics, go to the Lesson Mailbox and seek assistance there. The instructor will respond as soon as possible.

1. 注意功法的說明,熟讀功法及功架要義,配合教習影像及口令反覆練習。
2. 每日練功守時,安排安靜場所,專注研習,每週下載課程,日日確實勤加演練,跟上每週進度。
3. 練功時注意保暖,選擇練功時段,最好在飯後一小時半之後再開始演練;功畢,休息半小時後再進食。
4. 注意每週課程教練的提示,以及課程講解。
5. 如有疑惑,請到「討論區」發言,教練會儘快回答,並供其他學員參考。
6. 如有隱私問題,亦可透過本課程信箱,尋求協助,教練將儘可能回覆。

[Topic 2:] The first 3 movements of Han Calisthenics, the Preliminary Movement and Explanation

The First Edition of these Instruction notes was prepared by Instructor Lai. This final version is prepared by Instructor Lien (10 December 2007).
Preface to Han Calisthenics
Before starting on the Preliminary Stage - Level 1 of the 12 Movements of Waitankung, you must first learn and practise the 7 movements of Han Dao Yin. The objective is to regulate the body energies and to ensure that the joints and tendons are supple。These will then facilitate the activation of Xian Tian Qi during the Preliminary Movement... At the same time, the Han Dao Hin is the warming up exercise to vitalise the circulation of blood and qi before starting on the Waitankung phase of training. This will effectively prepare the body for all forms of movements after the activation of Xian Tian Qi. This is what is meant by “Yin qi ling qi he, dao ti yu qi rou”, which means that to induce the qi so that it becomes  gentle, calm and soothing; to guide or manipulate the body so that it becomes relaxed and supple. Just by practising Han Dao Yin alone you can expel negative qi from the body and thus strengthen the body and spirit. Han Dao Yin is suitable for the youthful trainees. Practise at anytime, it can help release work stress and uplift one’s mental alertness

[標題二:] 本週課程:漢導引前三式,預備式及說明
漢導引口令 賴景德編譯初稿,廉朝棟編輯完稿 (2007/12/10)
漢導引課程 引言

Initially, the Grand Master compiled and edited a set of 27 Movements of Han Dao Yin (please refer to the WaiTanKung DVD by Master Chang). Subsequently, when Waitankung training and nurturing became widespread, he adopted 8 Movements of Han Dao Yin in the package. For the beginners, he packaged the first 7 Movements. The following are the training topics.


Preliminary Movement
The Preliminary Movement of Han Dao Yin and Waitankung are the same. They are mainly based on the verbal instructions and personal guidance of the Grand Master. For detailed training instructions, refer to the website “www.tankung.org” which has the original explanation of Han Dao Yin.  Our lessons here use plain language as guiding words of command as follows...


 -Tuck in the chin
 -Gently buoy the head upwards
 -Relax and straighten the spinal column
 -Eyes look ahead
 -Rest tongue on upper palate of the mouth with the tip of tongue touching the upper ridge of teeth 
 -Gently close lips, upper and lower teeth gently touching
 -Breathe naturally
 -Relax chest and abdomen
 -Relax knees
 -Body weight rests on bottom of feet
 -Mentally relax the shoulders, elbows, and wrists till the palm
 -Place both palms beside the thighs
 -Face Palms backwards
 -Slightly open the ‘Tiger mouth’ the ridge between the thumb and index finger
 -Stretch, relax and spread fingers gently

The important points of Preliminary Movement: The body form and spirit should be alerted and Man and Universe are in a state of unison. Please keep the position for 10 - 20 seconds before next movement.

Note: The Yu Bei Shi will be introduced in week 3. But you can visit http://www.tankung.org/ to understand more about the movement. 



提示,外丹功十二功架的『預備式』在第三週課程才教習,如要提前練功,可請先h到『中華外內丹功網站』的『外丹功十二功架』剛目內的底頁『外內丹功十二功架參考資料』的表格內專論『預備式─廉朝棟』 有詳細的功法及練法過程的彙總驗證,閱讀兩次以上後,應能篤定的練功,早日啟動先天氣。


[Topic 3:] Movement 1:  Arching (托天抱月)

Another translations of 托天抱月(Arching) are "Supporting the sky and embracing the moon" or "Arms Circling Up And Down".

Relax the body.  Place the left palm just below the navel and the right palm against the back of the left palm. Cross the two thumbs while pressing downwards. Bend the knee slightly and lower the centre of the body gravity. Rotate the two feet in the left and right directions forming 180 degrees. Tuck in the chin so that the back will be straightened.  Pull in the hip and knee while relaxing the buttock. (Back part of the brain and the heel are in line.  You will be able to feel the sense of balance).   The finger tips of the two palms rise up from the sides forming a semi circle. Utter “heng”sound with the hands reaching the top of the head. The eyes now stare above at the back of the palms. The two hands form the shape of supporting the sky. Then utter “ha” sound and lower the two hands from the sides placing them in front of the navel as in the original position. At the same time, the eyes are looking at the front.

[標題三:] 第一式 托天抱月
身體放鬆,左手手掌提到肚臍的下 方,右手提起貼在左手掌背,大拇指交叉壓平,膝蓋微彎,重心下坐,然後兩腳掌左右磨開一百八十度,下巴收,身體後方領直、夾膝收縮臀部後放鬆,(後腦與足 跟對正,平衡感就出來)。兩手掌指尖向兩側劃半圓,發”啍”聲帶手從兩肩側到頭頂上,兩眼上看掌背,兩掌成托天狀,再發”哈”聲,雙手劃圓由兩側下合於肚 臍前,兩手虎口交合如前,眼睛回復平視。

Supporting the sky and embracing the moon” belongs to “Heng Ha induction method”. The qi will be reaching the chest with Heng sound and back to the stomach on the Ha sound.  Heng and Ha are the kind of reverse breathing of internal qi and Heng and Ha sound induce the qi within the chest, stomach and Sanjiao Meridian to flow freely. (Please just breathe naturally while practicing the movement without paying attention to how you breathe.) Start Heng with the eyes looking at the back of the hands.  When Ha, the eyes are staring level in front.  The qi naturally reaches the chest in Heng and back to the stomach during Ha.
The Effect:  Practice 5 times. Breathe naturally.  The chest will be soothing and the 5 zhang organs are harmonized.  The exercise also raises the “shen” spirit so that one will be more alert.

托天抱月屬”哼哈導引”,”哼”聲氣到胸部,”哈”聲回小腹,”哼哈”為內息氣的逆呼吸,可讓胸腹三焦內息氣暢。(練時要自然,不管鼻口的呼吸,自然就好)。 。開始!”哼”眼睛看手掌背,”哈”眼睛平視前方。”哼”氣息自然到胸部,”哈”回小腹。

[Topic 4:] Movement 2: Head Turning (飛雁回手)

Another translations of 飛雁回手(Head Turning) are "Flying bird turning the head backward" or "Wild - Goose Side Look".

Flying bird turning the head backward.   Continue from the previous movement.  Both hands extend sideways upwards to the shoulder level with the palms raised.  The finger tips should be pointing upwards at the height of the eye level.  Then turn the head to the left while staring at the back of the middle finger for 5 to 9 seconds. This movement is called “The induction of the eyesight”. Naturally, the qi will travel to the middle finger’s stomach when focusing the “yi” mind at that spot. Then the 5 fingers will experience the sense of qi.  Turn the head to face the front and then rotate right to look at the back of the middle finger for 5 to 9 seconds. Turn the head to face the front and cross the palms placing them in front of the stomach. The left palm inside while the right palm on the outside in front of the navel.

飛 燕回首,隨前式,雙手掌外展划開升起,順勢立掌與肩側同高,指端朝上。指端剛好與眼睛同高,頭擺向左,目視左手中指指背五到九秒鐘,本式是目視導引,自然意到氣到中指指肚,五指亦有感。頭擺正,轉頭看右手中指指背五到九秒,頭復正,交手還原到小腹,左手在內,右手在外、貼好肚臍前。

The effect:  The acupuncture point at the middle finger tip is the “chong Liang point “which belongs to the gallbladder meridian.  The middle finger passes through the heart. When the heart and “shen” spirit are mutually reacting, the gallbladder will benefit. During practice, the eyes staring at the acupuncture point for 5 to 9 seconds will improve the eyesight for the elderly. Here, we especially introduce to our web users the method of “recovering eyesight” Stare at the left middle finger and slowly move the eyesight from the arm to the right hand middle finger. Then, move the eyesight to the front and back to the left middle finger. Do not turn the head. The eyeballs stay still. The eyesight only moves forward and backward by using 'yi nian' or 'visualization'.  Now change to the right side and perform the same. If the shoulder experience ache, you can lower the hands to rest for short while. Then, practice again to improve the eyesight.


[Topic 5:] Movement 3: Body Slanting (迎風走冰)

Another translations of 迎風走冰(Body Slanting) are "Facing the wind with slanted body"or "Walking On Ice Against Cold Wind".

Continue from the previous movement.  Bend the knees slightly. The two feet close together at an angle of 45 degrees by pivoting the left foot and followed by the right.  Body stands upright. Move the right foot forward half a step with the body gravity at the front foot.  Slant forward 25 degrees with the two elbows overhanging forward as if curling the chest and pulling the back. Utter the sound “heng” with the hands pressing against the stomach to compress the qi. The qi would travel from the “Sea of Qi” to the coccyx reaching the spine. The eyesight is focused at the front of the feet. Then, utter the sound “ha” to withdraw the right foot with the eyes looking forward and return both hands to the side of thighs as shown by demonstrators.  The qi would return from the spine to the stomach; now change the stance for the left foot and alternate between the right and the left while uttering Heng and Ha for induction. Perform 3 times each or multiple of 3.

[標題五:] 第三式 迎風走冰

接 上式,彎膝蓋,兩腳掌磨回四十五度,先收左腳再收右腳,身體立起來。右足朝前移開半步,身體重心立於前足,俯身二十五度,兩手肘朝前,含胸拔背之狀。發” 啍”聲及雙手迫擠小腹之氣,循海底經尾閭到背脊,眼視腳前方;再發”哈”聲,收回右足,眼平視,將氣息由背膂退回小腹;換式出左足,如此,右式左式,以發”哼、哈”聲氣導引,來回共三次,或以三次倍數練之。

The Salient points.   These movements of slanting the body forward to allow the qi sticking to the back, both hands embracing the navel, pulling up the back and eyes looking down should be performed with gentleness and not hastily, There should not be any stiff point in the body  so that the qi can stick to the back.

The effect:  The movement would allow the “yin” and “wei” qi to circulate the whole body. The “yin” stays inside the meridian (implying that the circulating blood is sending the nutrient). The “wei” qi travels along the organs reaching the skin and pores as a form of protection. Additionally, it can also withstand the ill wind and warm the body. Those web users suffering cold shoulder from the air-conditioning attack are especially advised to practice this movement in the morning and night. You can stop the exercise when the back starts to sweat

