WaiTanKung 3 Easy Movements for Health
WaiTanKung 3 Easy Movements:
1. Stand as Yu Bei Shi posture and tremble with 2 palms. It is a “Heaven, Earth and Man (Sancai) stance” to refine the Xian Tian Qi. Yu Bei Shi is the basic movement to keep your whole body healthy and is also the most important movement of the 12 movements. When you practice more and more, your degree of attainment in practice will be higher and higher, from the union of mind and qi to the union of spirit and refined qi. The principle is applied to any time when you practice WTK. You will find the degree of attainment in practice can be ever-changing.
2. Practice Arms-tremor backwards of Hand-Thrusting in Half Squatting Position with bending the body 45 degrees. The qi circulates in the arms and feet (The qi initially circulates from wrists to fingertips and from heels to tiptoes. It will stimulate and loosen all acupoints of Bladder Meridian and Governing Vessel (Du Mai). Also quickly recuperate all the organs of the body to dispel ill wind.
Practice Arms-tremor backwards of Hand-Thrusting in Half Squatting Position with bending the body 90 degrees. It will stimulate and loosen the coccyx and the hip joints. Also prevent from the hemorrhoids and the colorectal cancer. The qi can flow from the arch of the feet to the kidneys to dispel the ill wind in the kidneys and giddiness.
3. Practice Arms-tremor forwards of Hand-Thrusting in Half Squatting Position. It is helpful to reduce the bingo wings of middle aged women. Also tighten the cheek muscles. Improve the circulation of blood in the cheek if also practicing Palms Facing Skyward and Groundward. It is the free way for age frozen beauty treatment. The trembling loosens the wrists and smoothens all joints of the body and the organs of the lower abdomen. Prevent from benign prostate hyperplasia. It will be better for the health of the bladder if also practice Da Xian He Bu (Big Crane Step).
Practice WaiTanKung 3 Easy Movements at least 5 – 10 minutes every morning. The effects will be revealed in 1 month. If you practice more in the afternoon and evening, it will improve your blood circulation. The body will be agile and powerful without drinking any energy drinks.
Shared by Instructor Lien, January 9, 2014